The Barney Bunch
Drew Pickles History
Barney Bunch Flash Movies
Barney Bunch Forums


Welcome to the Barney Bunch website!

Home of Barney and Drew Pickles. Enjoy your stay at the Barney Bunch's website, as you can watch some of our lovely flash, and don't forget to visit our forums!

The Barney Bunch. The Barney Bunch is a group of Newgrounds flash artists who like to make swell flash about Drew Pickles, Wiggles, Barney, Krypto, SpongeBob, Teletubbies and much more! We often do file swaps with Drew Pickles or Wiggles in it, and it's always funny to laugh at the stupid reveiws dumbasses leave us. We, the Barney Bunch, have members such as SovietBarney, BarneyPoop, RetardedBarney, MangoBarney, BarneyBiotch, NaziBarney, JewberryStar, PsychoticStar, ItchyBarney, L, DiaperBarney, DevineBarney, AnalBarney, PenisBarney, Drewpicklesisagayfag, RavingHomoSexual_Barney, HappyBarney and much more.

Here's a picture of six of the Barney Bunch's swaps in the portal at once.


The Barney Bunch! Home of Barney and Drew Pickles.